About Professional Concealment Solutions
The origins of Psy-Op Tactical date back to the late 1990’s when I was involved with several agencies on rifle training and discovered the lack of suitable items for the Law Enforcement and Military Snipers. I was using a sling that was innovative in its design but poorly executed in its component selection. The result was dumping a $3,500.00 (1997 dollars) custom sniper rifle onto the firing line when the selected plastic hardware broke. This was simply unacceptable and the Psyop commitment to quality was born.
Since that time Tactical Options and Solutions Group has evolved into Psy-Op Tactical and the list of products continues to grow daily. The KISS principal (KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID) continues to be one of our primary driving concepts with all our products. If we can develop a product that is simple to operate and use, it makes the life of the Operator much easier, because they don’t have to learn some unneccessary and overly complex set of moves to make the product work.
The extremely successful line of Simple Single Sling products continues to grow. The Simple Single II our two point sling with its exclusive Cruiser Ready™ capabilities are unequaled by any other products on the market today.
Later in the year we were contacted by a Federal Marshal that wanted a means to carry his kit but did not want to wear a heavy vest on the stakeout. A few ideas were tossed about and the result was the revolutionary Battle Sash, a Molle Compatible Bandoleer. Attach whatever pouches you want, configure the Battle Sash to your needs and you are good to go on a moments notice. Keep the Battle Sash over the passenger seat of your duty vehilce and you have a complete ”High Speed” grab and go fighting rig.
In the Fall of 2011, I was contacted by a civilian contractor who was headed out after accepting a new contract. This Operator needed a specialized bag that turned out to be the GTA Contractor’s Bag. The GTA has been thoroughly tested in a foreign country and distributed to some Special Forces Operators. They all have had great things to say about the bag. A friend and the person who handles all my machinist type work thought so much of the GTA’s that he bought them for his adult sons as Christmas presents. The GTA Contractor’s Bag is a specialized piece of kit built on uncompromising quality for the people that need it
The Operator Holsters were the outgrowth of several tactical nylon projects and the many years of carrying a handgun on a professional level. The premier holster of the line is the Operative, this is a conventional belt mounted pancake style Kydex Holster but is so much more. The Operative can be converted to a conventional IWB (Inside-The Waistband) or into a Deep Cover configuration that allows the shirt to be tucked into the trousers. This all allows the Operator to configure the holster to their specific needs.
The Agent Holster is our answer to the dedicated IWB (Inside-The-Waistband) holster but uses a positive and proven means to secure the holster to the user’s belt. I have personally texted the designs and have worn the Operative on more than one occasion for 20 hours straight while on assignemen